Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons

Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home

For as long as I can remember guacamole has been always been my thing. Despite a serious lack of culinary skills, I've whipped it up from the time I was in elementary school. Of course it's evolved and changed since then, but I can confidently say I think my guac is the best out there. But the best thing about guac is that it's totally flexible. Don't like tomato? Skip it. Love the tangy bite of lots of lime? Add more! Don't have cilantro in the fridge? It will still taste pretty fantastic without it. 

That being said, this weekend the hubby and I went to the Calabasas Farmer's market and came home with a bag full of persimmons. Have you ever had them? I hadn't either. I'd heard of them, seen them, and even read recipes with them but honestly I'd never tried them. Despite looking shockingly similar to tomatoes they taste nothing like them. They are sweet like a mango with an inner texture like a firm pear, and they are in full bloom this time of year. The secret to making them taste extra sweet, at least according to the man who sold them to me at the Farmer's Market, is to remove the skin. 

Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home

So when we got home, hot and hungry, and I saw a giant ripe avocado sitting in our fruit basket, I decided to have some fun. The persimmons add a sweet unexpected, but totally appreciated, surprise to this very traditional guacamole. The texture blends in perfectly and even adds an extra element of chunkiness. If there's something I think we can all agree on, it's that guacamole should be chunky. Not to mention, it's football season, and I don't know about you but I've never met a person who didn't like guacamole, especially devout and very serious footballs fans (go niners!). 

That being said, this weekend the hubby and I went to the Calabasas Farmer's market and came home with a bag full of persimmons. Have you ever had them? I hadn't either. I'd heard of them, seen them, and even read recipes with them but honestly I'd …
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home
Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons | Kneading Home

Best Damn Guacamole with Persimmons 
Serves 4 as an appetizer 

2 small avocados (or 1 large)
1 tbsp salsa verde
2-3 tbsp diced yellow onion 
2 packed tbsp diced Roma tomatoes, seeded 
small handful of cilantro, roughly chopped 
1 small persimmon, peeled and diced 
1/4 tsp sea salt 
fresh ground pepper to taste 
1 tbsp lime 

*You can totally use store-bought salsa verde. I like Trader Joe's brand. 

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Using the side of a fork, roughly chop avocado then mix all ingredients together until you'd achieved your desired chunkiness. Serve with chips and devour.